Advanced Background Investigator’s In-Person Training
2-day training session with all standards contained in the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act (Public Law 101-630), Indian Country Law Enforcement Regulations (25 CFR 12), and the Tribal Law and Order Act will be covered. The course consists of both instructor-led lessons and practical exercises that take attendees through realistic investigative scenarios.
Personnel Security Consultants offers regular training events for tribes and tribal organizations who are trying to comply with federal employment requirements, and those who wish to improve existing programs.
All of our training is conducted by Michele Justice, President/CEO. Mrs. Justice has eight years’ experience at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Safeguards and Security Central Training Academyvwhere she was the Program Manager for Personnel Security and became a certified instructor. During her tenure with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) she developed and conducted training for their security and child protection initiatives.